This thing has kept me entertained for like 2 weeks now. Life saver in the hospital. My god, what a depressing place to be. Especially when you have a semi-private room. You have to share it with other people. My first room mate was cool and liked to talk (plus he was closer to my age), but my second room mate was 98 years old. Yes there was some interesting stories, but it's just really hard to deal with all the situations he was going thru. I heard them all between that curtain. It's tough, plus the problem you are trying to deal with.
I worked hard to get better but yesterday I took a little blow to the gut, so to speak. I ate too much the night before and I was in a lot of pain. I threw up, which the doctor said wouldn't feel very good. He was 100% correct on that one. I felt horrible and I was in a lot of pain. Yesterday, I seriously felt like I was hungover, even though I didn't even drink a drop. Gross feeling, but today I am hungry again and I am afraid to eat something solid. I don't want to go thru that again. I made the mistake of eating a pot roast. Stupid Stupid Stupid Bryon.
Today I have a doctors appointment and my mom is taking me there. She is coming up from La Crosse to take me. I have to tell the doctor of my stupid mistake and I can't wait to hear it from him. I was doing so well with eating though. I had some meatballs the other day, but I suppose those digest easier than like a steak? I should of known better. I was eating fish and yes, basically softer foods. I just hope I didn't do any damage to my intestines. I am a little worried, but today I don't feel too bad. It's like I almost regressed back to coming out of the hospital. I was doing sooooo well.
I'll probably be out for another 2 weeks I am guessing after this set back. I need to watch my diet. The nurse said high fiber soft foods diet. I have to tell my work today when I can come back. I want to come back pretty much now because I am actually kinda bored at home. I never thought I would say that, but I have run out of things to do. Well I shouldn't say that because now I started classes and I have two online classes where I should be reading. I'll get to that.
Best album of 2008
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
Justin Vernon, is his real name, and he is from Eau Claire, WI. Wrote this album in his dad's cabin in the middle of winter. The vocals on this album are amazing. He has since followed up with an EP called "Blood Bank".
Bryon. You are crazy. LOL. I am glad that you thought eating Pot Roast SO FAST would make you feel better! LOL. You are a DUMMY!